You know how on an airplane they tell you, in the event of an emergency oxygen masks will fall from the ceiling and that you should put the mask on yourself first before you help anyone else, usually a child. That’s because if you’re not strong and breathing then you can’t help anyone else.

The idea of selfishness, like so many things in our world today is really skewed. There’s this idea that taking care of yourself first is bad, selfish. If you’re selfish out of fear and you’re not connected to others in a positive way, then being selfish is a negative thing. If, however, you are conscious and recognize that the other person is really connected to you in some human way, then you will know that the only way to benefit others is for you to be secure in yourself. It means taking care of yourself first because its with that connection to the self that you really and truly energetically connect with others. Selfishness is really self awareness. It’s really just a matter of orientation– are you navigating from your inner self awareness, or are you looking to others for how you should look, act and feel?
You know how on an airplane they tell you, in the event of an emergency oxygen masks will fall from the ceiling and that you should put the mask on yourself first before you help anyone else, usually a child? That’s because if you’re not strong and breathing, then you can’t help anyone else. The same applies to general life. It’s no secret that a lot of things we grew up with were infused with guilt. Guilt is a lie. And you should never feel guilty about taking measures to feel good and be your best from the inside out.
The self connects us. It’s good to be selfish. Being selfish means you’re serving the true self, the higher self, and in that way you are becoming strong and secure in the real, true identity; The identity that we all come from– the one great flow of the creation. Being selfish isn’t the same as being self obsessed. Self obsessed is a distorted view of the self through an inflated ego. Being selfish is being self aware and knowing what you need to be in the highest rhythm for… yourself. Therefore, when you connect into your inner self-sensory system, then you flow with the great self, your higher self. When you’re at your best and enjoying yourself, only then you can uplift others. What’s more is that you don’t even have to do anything. People will be uplifted by your mere presence in the room.
Have you ever known someone who inspires you? Think about that person for a moment. They don’t really have to do anything for you. When you see them or think of them or meet with them, you’re uplifted by who they are. I like Lance Armstrong’s story. He’s a guy that wanted to win at all costs. He broke records. He made himself excellent. As such, he inspires countless people with his story, with his life. What’s more is that he had testicular cancer and he overcame that as well. His story is inspiring. And what did he do to achieve that? He very selfishly trained countless hours and went for it. I am sure that to do this he had to exclude most things in his life. He didn’t have a lot of time for anything other than his laser like focus on training and winning. I am sure that most everything took a backseat to this passion for cycling. Some would call it selfish, but look what his selfishness has done. It’s inspired so many people because he created his story from the deep connection to himself.