As discussed previously, the melon diet goes for 26 days (there’s a shorter version which is 10 days.) It’s helpful to prepare for this. You can review the diet here HOW IS YOUR DIET NOW?If you eat a lot of sugar and caffeine or if you generally eat heavy, fatty foods like fried foods, wheat, cheese, meat then you should do a prep before jumping in to the melon diet. One option is to eat Mung Beans and Rice for the few days leading up to the melon fast. It’s a good way to cleanse the system and prepare so when you’re eating only melon and then water, it won’t be a shock. The recipe for Mung Beans and Rice is here: GET PSYCHED UPWe have eating habits we don’t notice. When we’re stressed or emotional we reach for comfort foods. This affects the glandular system and keeps vast swaths of subconscious thought forms in place. This is one way our drama persists. When we isolate the diet on a fast like this, it not only cleans the physical body but it also brings up mental thought forms and habitual patterns from the subconscious. Be prepared for that. Project for success NOW. As we approach this diet in a little over a week, tell yourself you can do it. See yourself doing it, feeling better, lighter, with more energy, more effective and prosperous after completion. Pump yourself up mentally for this. July 2, 2019 is the new moon, when we start. It’s game day. Start looking forward to it. WHAT’S NEXT?In a few days I’ll send you another email about how to pick the best fruit and some of the particulars about each fruit. Let’s get fired up. ALSO if you have any cool ideas about how you are going to prepare for this diet, let us know and we’ll share it with the group. DON’T FORGETYou should consult your doctor before starting any new diet. This is ancient yogic science and is not medical advice. That said, those who I know who have done these fasts have reported tremendous results. Sat Nam,
Jai Gopal